Figure out your values and
align your life to them.
"If you wake up and you are not looking forward to the day ahead you need to re-evaluate your life"
-Ari Banayan
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Overcome roadblocks and
accomplish goals.
"Consult not your fears, but your hopes and dreams. Think not of your frustrations but your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you have tried and failed in, but what is still possible for you to do."
-Pope John XXIII
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Get over fears and change your job or habits.
"If you want to turn your life you're going to have to start making things happen and stop allowing things to happen to you"
-Kyra Davis, author
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Coaching | Therapy |
Focuses on the future | Focus on the past and trauma |
Driven by goal attainment | Learn to deal with unmanageable feelings |
Works to clean obstacles to goal attainment | Improves faulty thinking |
Communicate via phone, video conference or face-to-face | Communicate face-to-face or telehealth |
Coach elicits inner knowledge | Looks to find the root of the problem |
Contact between sessions to celebrate victories | Contact between sessions for crisis situations |
If this sounds right for you, Contact Us Now. | If you feel like therapy is more in line with your needs, visit Global Therapy |
A therapist focuses on past pains i.e. the recovery from past trauma or significant symptoms of mental distress i.e. depression or anxiety. A therapist helps to look back and understand the pain and how it affects current life. The goal of therapy is to heal you from dysfunction and allow a more adaptive and functional life.
The optimum coaching client wants to live life more fully. Clients have a sense of what their dreams and goals might be. They have a solid sense of their own core values. A Coach is committed to helping you go where you want to go and will hold you accountable to the goals you have established for yourself.
Coaching is an ongoing professional relationship that helps people reach extraordinary goals in their lives, careers, business or organizations. Coaching is highly directive and helps clients deepen their learning, improve their performance, and enhance their quality of life.
The client chooses the focus of conversation, while the coach listens and contributes observations and questions. This interaction is intended to move the client into action. Coaching works through the establishment of goals and the process of being accountable for the actions necessary to reach those goals. When a person is focused and aware of the choices he or she is making, progress can be accelerated.
The coach acts as a facilitator to help you define and align your goals. The coaching process is driven by what you, the client, want to accomplish in your life. A life coach does not tell you what to do or even how to do it. A life coach is your partner in success. You are the expert in your own life. You direct which issues you want to address in each session. The coach guides you by asking questions and offering an outside perspective. A Coach helps you see what is possible in your life and illuminate your who you are and how you want to get there.
In that coaching is so different from the therapeutic process it can be accomplished in many different forms. Most often coaching takes place on the telephone, e-mail or through video conferencing. Coaching is so convenient it can easily fit into busy life schedules.
As with any process of change this too will take a bit of time. It is recommended to make a 3-month commitment to the process. The first few months of any change is challenging. Think of your last venture into weight loss or an improved exercise regimen. When motivated we often start out strong and then begin to waiver. By making a commitment to the process you will have your coaching ally keeping you accountable and cheering you as you go. By making the initial commitment you will be investing in yourself. This will greatly increase your chances for long term success. On average a coaching client will work with their coach for 6-8 months with follow ups after that. Coaching sessions are generally about 45 minutes long and occur two to three times a month with available e-mails in-between. Between coaching sessions, you will have to take the steps you have outlined to reach your goals. Positive life change generally does not happen without some action on your part. However, part of the coaching process is to create a plan of action so these action steps become a part of your life.
Many people wonder about their ability to change. It seems they have been stuck in the same ruts for years. Their lives go on, satisfactorily but it feels like there could be so much more. If you think of it this way one of the things we can depend upon in life, besides death and taxes, is that things always change. Think over the last few years and I am sure you can see where change did occur. By employing a coach, you will be able to take some control over change and make strides in creating that fulfilling life you have thought was previously just out of reach.
As a coach I rely on my skills as a therapist to actively listen and understand the issues that are being presented. I have not experienced your life. You are the expert playing your life out. As the coach I am on the sidelines using my expertise as the asker of questions. It is by asking the right questions I can help you see the different options you have as you continue to play out your life. You decide which options are the best fit for you.
I want you to think for a few minutes about what is most important to you. What are you willing to invest your resources in? If you said a double latte daily and a new computer game each month perhaps you are not ready for coaching. If, however you thought of improved relationships, increased professional success, personal health and wellness then you are in the right place. If you are ready to take a serious step towards an improved life, you are ready to invest in the process. Although we will create a contract for services you are free to terminate it at any time. I do have several options available to structure the coaching experience. These options will also help you structure your monetary investment.
Still not convinced? That is understandable. The most important component of a coaching relationship is the connection between coach and client. If there is not a sense of connection the process will fall flat. You will not feel supported or encouraged and frankly from the coach’s point of view the encounter will seem empty and pointless. All my potential clients are offered a free 30-minute consultation to get to know each other and gauge if the connection is a good fit. If after that conversation if you do not feel I am the coach for you just let me know and I will provide you with other resources if you would like. On the other hand, if I do not feel I can be of help to you, I will refer you to other competent and knowledgeable coaches. This win - win approach gives you a low risk chance to evaluate the opportunities that await you through Professional Coaching. Call New Horizon Coaches 479-431-4237 or email
All my potential clients are offered a free 30-minute consultation to get to know each other and gauge if the connection is a good fit. If after that conversation if you do not feel I am the coach for you just let me know and I will provide you with other resources if you would like.